Terms and conditions

Check-in times (15.00 – 19.00) – Check-out (10.00).

Ban on smoking in the rooms and in the common area.

Pets not allowed.

Breakfast included in the booking price.

Tourist tax is to be considered extra booking and will be paid upon arrival at the property based on the amount established by the Municipality of Salerno to which it is paid through the innkeeper.


Access to the facility

The property is located in the historic center of the city, in the ZTL area on the first floor of a building of ancient buildings and without a lift.


How to make a reservation

To book a camera it is necessary, after receiving availability, to fill in and send the data requested by the booking form. This operation does not guarantee booking confirmation.

The actual availability of the room and the relative booking confirmation will be given by the site administrator who will send a notification via an appropriate confirmation email. The email address used for communications will be the one provided in the booking form.

From the moment the booking confirmation is sent, the user has 12 hours to proceed with the payment of the amount due for the booking. For this purpose, the user will be sent an email containing a link that allows him to access a secure area of ​​the site and make the payment via PayPal or credit card. Payment by credit card is managed by the Stripe secure and certified payment system.

Reservations that are not paid after the pre-established 12 hours automatically pass into the “Canceled” state and the camera returns to the availability of the structure.


Cancellation and refunds

Once the reservation is made, no refund of the same is possible; only if the cancellation of the reservation is made at least 10 days before the stay, a bonus of the same amount as the amount paid can be requested from the customer and that the customer can use within the following 6 months from the cancellation.